Inspiring People to a Transformational relationship with Jesus Christ.
Reaching, Growing, Sharing Christ
Sunday Worship 10am
Join us for Sunday worship services filled with inspiring sermons, uplifting music, and a welcoming community. Our services aim to provide spiritual nourishment and a sense of belonging to all attendees.

Loving God and loving people is the greatest commandment given to us by Jesus. We love God by being Christ-centered and worshiping God joyfully. In turn, we love people by sharing the love of Jesus through relationships and service.
We will strive for forgiveness when we have been wronged by others, or when we have wronged others. Jesus spoke of this often and models a way for us to let go of resentment and practice compassion. In the same spirit, we also seek forgiveness for ourselves.
All are welcome! No matter who you are, or where you are in your journey of life, we believe you have a place here.
Relating to one another as members of the Body of Christ allows us to embrace what has been and what will be as we grow in faith together.
Wednesday Dinner
Join us for dinner on the first (catered) and third (potluck) Wednesdays of the month at 6pm, followed by a short devotional time together!
Chancel Choir
Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7pm in the sanctuary, and sing on Sunday mornings on a regular basis at 10am worship!
Seasonal opportunities include the Christmas and Easter cantata!
Bell Choir
More info coming late summer 2025!
Bible Study
Offered throughout the year, often at a member's home or at the church. Current information will be posted here as the studies occur.


Fellowship following worship at Granny Shaffer's on the 2nd Sunday of the month!

Meets 7am at Granny Shaffer's on the 1st Wednesday of the month!

Hope Through Yarn meets at 10am on the last Saturday of the month!
Webb City Cares

Webb City CARES provides a daily presence in our schools. Whether it is providing school supplies, clothing, tutoring or mentoring, Webb City CARES brings the community and resources together to help our students.
Central continually helps with student needs, including the snack pack program, and is a faith partner of Madge T. James Kindergarten Center.


Crosslines exists to "work together across denominational lines to meet human needs in the name of Jesus." Crosslines Joplin started with the support of 10 churches desiring to eliminate the duplication of services while providing a centralized location to operate a food pantry and clothing bank. Central helps distribute food items on the first Wednesday of the month and provides donations.
Webb City Health & Rehab
Items are collected for Webb City Rehab for bingo prizes. Contact Janis Jackson for more information.

Loving Grace is a transitional living facility that provides a 24 month program to young women ages 18-24. Our residents come from situations that are not limited to: homelessness, poverty, aging out of foster care, poor family relationships, inadequate living conditions, domestic violence, open cases from the Children’s Division. There are needs for mentor and life skills taught.
Central UMC, located in Webb City, MO, is a vibrant United Methodist Church dedicated to serving the community with a wide range of ministries and activities. Our mission is to spread God's love, provide spiritual growth opportunities, and foster a welcoming environment for all individuals seeking faith, hope, and belonging.